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想歎點心?上海粉麵?炸雞?夏威夷魚生飯?西式輕小食及全素卷?精緻全日早餐?安坐家中,隨時都食到啦!現在於foodpanda指定餐廳訂購即享高達5折優惠, 訂滿$100(不連運費)之訂單即自動享用!立即查看以下人氣熱門餐廳!
We're still open and still delivering! 安坐家中 由我哋繼續為你送上滋味!
We're still open and still delivering!We're here to reunite you with all your favourites. Stay in and enjoy 30% off* your favourite restaurants. *Valid on orders of $100 (excl. delivery fee) or more at selected restaurants, until 30 Apr.安坐家中 由我哋繼續為你送上滋味我哋依然營業,依舊會為你帶嚟最滋味嘅美食體驗。精選餐廳仲有7折*優惠!掛住心水味道,隨時都食到!*適用於指定餐廳滿$100(不連運費)之訂單;優惠期至4月30日。
Posted by foodpanda on Tuesday, 7 April 2020
重要告示 會盡力確保所提供的優惠/資訊正確,但優惠商戶可能隨時改變/撴銷/限制優惠條款和內容,所以我們並不能保證必定能夠取得優惠,我們並不會為未能取得優惠而賠償損失;此外,所有優惠由商戶提供,我們並不會負擔商戶的任何法律責任,詳情可到 免責條款 了解更多,敬請留意!
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Visit Dealfoodpanda 聯同 McDonald’s 麥當勞 推出買早餐滿$100全單9折優惠!只要在早上6時至10…
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Visit Deal想安坐家中都可以食到滋味滿分嘅大家樂外賣?一於上foodpanda買啦! 而家用foodpanda嗌大家樂外賣…
優惠代碼/Coupon Code:CDCFREE Copy
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Visit DealKlook今次推出咗 foodpanda 2月限定獨家優惠,只要透過Klook預訂指定酒店住宿即送你foodp…
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Visit Dealpandamart期間限定優惠! 想足不出戶就買到所需嘅蔬果凍肉、成藥等等?到pandamart睇吓啦!於以下…
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Visit Deal有沒有想過星期六、日的生活雜貨入貨日,可以慳錢、省時又輕鬆? foodpanda是你打理生活的好幫手!在foo…
優惠代碼/Coupon Code:BUYAUG Copy
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Visit Deal依家好多人都會留係屋企防疫,叫外賣就安全同方便,用Foodpanda叫外賣可以安坐家中都安享多國滋味美食!鍾意…
優惠代碼/Coupon Code:AHHH2020 Copy